Autonomy and Urban Mobility Summit

Die autonomy Messe beschäftigt sich mit autonomn Fahren, Sharing und Data Analytics
Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden. Einen Bericht zu dieser Veranstaltung finden Sie hier: So war Autonomy 2017.
Titel: Autonomy and The Urban Mobility Summit – Speed up the transition to active, shared, electric and autonomous mobility
Datum: 19. Oktober 2017 bis 21. Oktober 2017
Ort: La Grande Halle de la Villette
Adresse: 211 Avenue Jean Jaurès, 75019 Paris, Frankreich
Veranstalter: Autonomy
Schwerpunkte: Digitalisierung, Big Data, Autonomes Fahren, elektrischer Antrieb, Sharing, Startups und Hackatons, Smart City, Urbaner Raum, Radverkehr, Fußverkehr, ÖPNV, Straßenverkehr, Schienenverkehr, Active Mobility

About Autonomy

Autonomy is the annual international event on the future of urban mobility. For the 2017 edition, the Pro days will take place from the 19-20 October (B2B – B2G) and 21 October will be open to the Public (B2C) at at La Grande Halle, de la Villette in Paris.
Autonomy consists of a talks program called, The Urban Mobility Summit, an exhibition area and test tracks. The focus of Autonomy is to speed up the transition to active, shared, electric and autonomous mobility.
Autonomy offers the mobility ecosystem a collaborative and innovative platform to network, exchange ideas, meet key players and startups, build partnerships, and understand their audience

Autonomy’s vision of new mobility is based on the ADESA acronym:

  • Active Mobility
  • Data Analytics
  • Electric Mobility
  • Shared Mobility
  • Autonomous Vehicle

50 cities from 30 countries will participate. The exhibition consist of more than 200 exhibitors and 80 start-ups. 110 Speakers will share their ideas and experience during the Urban Mobility Summit. Overall 15.000 visitors are expected.

Click the button for more information and the detailed program of Autonomy 2017.

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