Titel: mobil.TUM 2016 – Tranforming Urban Mobility
Datum: 06. Juni 2016 bis 07. Juni 2016
Ort: Oskar von Miller Forum, München
Veranstalter: Technische Universität München
Schwerpunkte: Mobilitätsverhalten, Nachhaltigkeit, Mobilitätsservice, Urbane Mobilität, Shared Mobility
„Metropolitan areas all over the world find themselves within a phase of transition driven by technological innovation, societal change, and economic constraints. Changes are accompanied by shifts in mobility patterns with respect to both daily travel and long-term mobility choices. In this context, it is important to guide such ongoing developments towards sustainable urban mobility. Yesterday’s models will not hold for the future. Suitable urban structure and adequate transport services are needed in order to ensure low-carbon, as well as efficient and affordable mobility options. These goals can be achieved through accessibility planning and mobility management accompanied by the arrival of new trends such as the sharing economy or digitalization.
Transforming Urban Mobility requires openness to innovative planning procedures. This includes an enhanced cooperation between the normative planning of the public authorities, bottom-up initiatives of the private sector, and the citizens in integrative, participatory governance processes.
“The future is not predetermined and waiting to happen – it is ours to shape” (Lyons & Urry, 2006). Keeping this in mind, experts from different backgrounds are challenged to join forces in order to develop strategies that are able to transform and shape urban mobility on different temporal and spatial scales. Mobility planning should not only offer opportunities for transportation, but also aim at making the most sustainable option the most convenient one. This transformation process will yield the most desirable outcome.
The mobil.TUM 2016 serves as a platform for practitioners and researchers to meet and exchange their observations, experiences, and explanations. International keynote speakers will animate the debate on core ideas and theories. The meeting aims to provide inspiration for future research directions and the implementation of successful solutions for sustainable urban mobility.“ Technische Universität München
Der Kongress ist auf englisch.
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