Ridesharing is one of the biggest trends in Mobility at the moment.
The Ridesharing services can be separated in three groups:
- Carpooling: A private driver can pick up and drop of other passengers on his/her daily commute. Like Wunder Carpool, Faxi, blablacar, twogo etc.
- Ridehailing: A commercial driver can pick-up and drop off passengers. Like UberX, myTaxi, Blacklane
- Shuttle/DRT (Demand responsive Transport): A Van which pools passengers as a complement for Public Transport. Like MOIA, ioki, Via(Van), door2door
The first Ridesharing Map
This map gives you an overview about all Cities and villages where Ridesharing is available in Germany
Each red marker shows one Ridesharing service.
With a click on the marker, you can see further information like City, Backend-supplier, Launch-Date and many more.
Status: November 2018
- Shuttle/DRT in Germany (like MOIA, ioki, Clevershuttle, door2door, moovel)
- Ridehailing in Germany (like myTaximatch, Uber; in progress)
Generally Excluded
- long-range and not repeating Carpooling (>100km) like Blablacar
- Taxi-Services which can not be booked by Smartphone or Website
This website about is under construction and is being continuously improved. The map will be expanded to Europe and World.
I developed this map for my Masterthesis about Ridesharing. Please give me some credit, when you cite or refer to this map 🙂